I am inspired by the Spring when gardens explode to life with color! Here is one of my April poems recently published in The Avocet, A Journal of Nature Poetry, Spring 2016 Issue. I’ve also included corresponding photos from my own backyard. Can you identify the plant names with clues from the poem? Happy Spring!

A Spring Symphony

This is a song to the birch leaves
that sprout hello as they grow
from twigged arms to conduct
my reawakening April garden.
Magenta bursts of bougainvillea,
pink begonia and purple Mexican
Sage grace us with their surgency.
Tomato plants and strawberries
show off their happy faces. Mint
marches over the bitter oregano.
The fog rolls in with wet kisses
causing the brick to blush deep
red. A full moon rises and bell
shaped flowers toll out their
alluring perfume until dawn.


Mexican Sageblog

