Grandma G. – A Personal Narrative

Grandma G. – A Personal Narrative

I wrote this piece in 2012 while taking Judy Reeves Wild Women Wild Voices Workshop. I’m glad to share it with you now. Grandma G. was quite a character. In fact I have a character in my next novel, The Silver Shoes, based on her larger than life personality! ...
Why I Love to Garden

Why I Love to Garden

One of my earliest spiritual memories is standing in my mother’s rose garden when a butterfly landed on my shoulder. I felt just like another one of her flowers. I don’t think I inherited her green thumb, but I did inherit my love of gardening from her. I love...
A Memoir Flash Piece

A Memoir Flash Piece

This piece explains why I didn’t get my driver’s license until I was eighteen and also why I’ve always driven like a little old lady. I am pleased and proud that this memoir flash was just published in A Year in Ink, Volume 10. Thank you San Diego...
A Birdhouse Poem

A Birdhouse Poem

The Birdhouse After a long winter I fill the sweet wooden birdhouse and wait for the oriole to return. I shoo away the squirrel that climbs upon the rusty metal stand. Keep to your acorns, I say. There are plenty. Squawking lapis jay comes next drops bits of seed to...
Why Book Clubs are the Best!

Why Book Clubs are the Best!

I’ve sure been on the go since the release of my novel, The Black Velvet Coat, in October 2015. I’ve been a guest speaker in over forty private homes, libraries, event spaces and even country clubs. Fourteen of these talks have been for book clubs which have become my...
Sunrise Powerlink Poem

Sunrise Powerlink Poem

I cried when I first saw the Sunrise Powerlink’s steel structures begin to scar our beautiful San Diego back country. What better way to assauge grief than to write in my journal? This is the poem that came out of those writings. I’m honored to have it...