Welcome to my blog CreaLivity!
Here I share personal musings on the art of practicing a creative lifestyle. I encourage you to comment and join the conversation about your own experiences finding and following your creative path.
Turkey Poem
Two Toms and a Hen She crosses verdant meadow, ignores two toms. Colorful feathers full-fanned to impress her. They slowly take turns, gliding toward her. Duet gabbers serenade, rose red wattles aflutter. Which one will she choose to be her lover?...
An Ace High to Boot
Poker Face Stetson big as his ego, cowboy pushes through swinging doors into the Tumbleweed Saloon. “Whiskey and cards,” he snarls. I remember his rough hands on my bare back, flounce red lace petticoat, catch the barkeep’s eye. He winks slides me a deck, tumbler of...
A Rainy Day Miracle Poem
Johnnie Jumped Up! Rainy morning miracle, overnight tiny volunteer popped up, crannied between red bricks. Pretty pixie-sized pansy in her ruffled yellow, purple dress. How it’s possible is anybody’s guess. Viola reminds me beauty can flourish even in hard times. She...
A Winter Poem
A Precarious NightWhistling a warningwinter windwhooshes down Cuyamaca Peak,fast as a high-speedtrain. Squirrels andrabbits huddle inholes. Tree swingrock and rolls.Manzanita twigsshake their Mexicanmaracas. Giant oaksdance the rumba. When satin sun comesup I don’t...
Thank you!
Happy Holidays! Thank you to all who've continued to cheer me on with my writing career. To show my appreciation I'm offering bookmarks and signed bookplates to you or the readers in your lives. Email me directly at jill@jillghall.com with snail mail addresses and...
It’s a Fall Poem!
Fall Gift from AboveAfter the storm at summer’s end squirrel peeks head through grassy mound. Boulders shine. Honeysuckle vines hug rickety- fence. Butterflies flit in tandem among sweet smelling sage. Quenched earth with gratitude receives each precious...
I’m Not the Only One
On a recent Massachusetts road trip, I stopped at the Berkshire home of Edith Wharton, one of my favorite authors. It’s a lovely mansion that she designed herself. In an upstairs parlor I asked the guide if Edith wrote on the large wooden desk. The guide replied, “No...
Flower Moon
blooms white in black velvet night, giant dandelion aglow. Transformation time of rebirthed buds, awaken celebrations of nature’s beauty. Let’s manifest some dreams! published in Avocet, journal of nature poetry Spring 2023
In Awe
After years of drought I drive through ranch gate, rejoice to view pond flowing full. Manly mallard bobs glossy emerald pate to impress beautiful brown mate. He skims the surface, leaves a rippling wake. Above meadow soft clouds rest in bachelor-button blue sky....
Something to Celebrate!
I'm so excited to share this news! THE BLACK VELVET COAT has received 1,101 ratings on Amazon! This means that many people loved my first novel enough to take the time to post and recommend it to others. Won’t you consider joining in too and rating a book in the Anne...
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