I’m Not the Only One
by jill | Jun 28, 2023 | Blog |

On a recent Massachusetts road trip, I stopped at the Berkshire home of Edith Wharton, one of my favorite authors. It’s a lovely mansion that she designed herself. In an upstairs parlor I asked the guide if Edith wrote on the large wooden desk.
The guide replied, “No follow me. She wrote in bed.”
My friend and I started laughing because I too write in bed. The bright Victorian room was filled with light and charm. A display explained that for publicity purposes Edith posed in front of a desk strewn with writing materials. In that era, it would have been a scandal if people knew the truth.
Soon the guide wove us back to the tour’s end and encouraged us to return to any rooms we wished. I made a beeline to the bedroom, looked around, jumped on Edith’s bed, and posed while my friend snapped a few photos. I’ll never feel embarrassed again to admit I write in bed. Edith’s muse met her there and now so does mine
Where does your muse meet you?
I’m a kitchy table writer as I call it, where all my works are done. When I write or read in bed I fall asleep within seconds so that idea is out although I tried it many times.
I love old houses!
Linda, I love old houses too. Good luck with your writing.
I can’t say I write in bed but I sure as hell read in it!
I read in bed too!
As an artist of a different sort (glassblower) I would often get design ideas or pictures in my minds eye while on the massage table!
I’ve solved many problems on the massage table too!
I love that for you!!!!
Thank you, Phil. It was quite an adventure!
How fun to learn this! I also write in bed. The brain is clearest first thing in the morning!
Carol, Morning is my prime time too! Happy writing!
Oh Jill, what a fun “confession.” Not that you write in bed; I knew that. But that you leapt upon Edith Wharton’s bed when you had a chance. Delightful. Wherever you write…just keep doing it. We love your stories. And your poems.
Thank you, Judy! I love your stories and poems too.
When the early morning sun comes through my east-facing window, I know it’s time to put aside “pressing tasks,” and just climb into bed to read. Sounds as if you and Edith know what’s important!
XO, Reggie
Reggie, Sounds like you know what’s important too!
Delightful story! And I love the picture!
Marilyn, Thanks!
Knowing you love to write in bed, I always picture you there when meeting your muse – so I love that photo! I love to write in the outdoors and move my studio to the patio in nice weather – but I do love to read in bed. However you do it – Write On!
Indy, I’m not surprised that you of all people love to write outside in nature! Yes, write on!
What a lovely story. Great to hear more about your creative process!
Emily, Thanks!