Mother Earth

Mother Earth

  Mother Earth How are you doing now that we’ve plundered your gifts to us? Fires, floods render flora, fauna, humans desiccated, eradicated. You don’t seem like the judgmental type but how can you not be disappointed, wounded and enraged? Maybe Bezos and Branson have...
The Oak

The Oak

In the quietyou standready for a new beginning.You’re as wideas you are tall,shady fellow.The sun risesto bless leafyhead with lightwhile life explodesaround your ankles.Rabbits scurryunderneath,an acorn drops,a woodpecker knocks.Bark thick with age,cupped leaves wave...

Prose Poem – Quarantine Visitor

Quarantine Visitor A plump lizard basks on my San Diego patio in the quiet summer sun. “Hello,” I whisper. Her smile sly, eyes button-beads, skin resembling grandma’s purse. Prolific in our childhood garden my brother Sandy saved them in shoeboxes, fed them flies....
Truth – My Word for 2022

Truth – My Word for 2022

Last Christmas as usual, I randomly closed my eyes and chose one of my angel cards to determine what my word for the next year would be. I picked TRUTH. But goodness gracious! It’s the end of February and it’s taken me this long to figure out what it means to me. Here...
Bird Poem

Bird Poem

  Birds in WinterToo chilly for meto venture out to fillempty bird feeder angry jay squawks. Red-tailed hawk lifts and flies awayfrom faraway oak.Puffed up featheredquail family skittersbehind top-notched pop. Mist seeps over ranch, increases to rain socold it...