Angel Cards
Last Christmas as usual, I randomly closed my eyes and chose one of my angel cards to determine what my word for the next year would be. I picked TRUTH.
But goodness gracious! It’s the end of February and it’s taken me this long to figure out what it means to me. Here goes: Truth means choosing to do the things that bring me joy and make my life full and lush in body, mind, and spirit.
My brainstorm list includes:
1. write every morning
2. read more poetry
3. practice yoga
4. tap dance
5. train Trixie to hula hoop
6. sketch again
7. garden
8. smile
Many of these things I’d already been doing but not consistently or with passion. Now I’ll be more intent on doing these things with passion.
What is your word for the year? How is it going so far?
I think my word might be spirit. Seems that spirit is returning this year. Thanks for this.
Marilyn, Spirt is a great word! Good luck.
Nice Jill. My word for the year is space— space to breath, space for me, space for God, giving space to others, enjoying space in nature, space for uncertainty etc. I’m excited to see what other meanings “space” will have to me as the year unfolds…
Carol, Enjoy your space!
I love all the ways you’re weaving “Truth” into your daily life, doing what brings you joy. My word for the year is “Yes!” Responding to all the opportunities, the possibilities, even the challenges, with “yes!” I’ve taken it a step further and added the improv directive: “Yes, and…”
Judy, Yes, and…!